Aug 29, 2023
Award-winning screenwriter, and author, Brian Fitzpatrick is our groovy guest for episode 243! We go all over the place during the interview discussing topics such as paranormal investigation, screenwriting for TV, movies and novels, rock bands, Night of the Living Dead, writing the dream project, and Brian sprinkles in...
Aug 15, 2023
Episode 242 brings back Roy "Griff" Griffis for a sample chapter from his best-selling Cthulhu Amalgamated series, The Thing from HR! Be sure to wrap your tentacles around this one right after hearing this sample!
Roy M Griffis website with social media links
Aug 8, 2023
Episode 241 of the show features storyteller, Roy "Griff" Griffis. In this interview, Roy and Jason discuss developing the discipline to write early in the morning, going wherever your imagination/muse takes you, how having a lot of job experience helped with his writing career, NOT writing B.S. and so much more!